Sunday, April 30, 2006


I survived the weekend with my relatives but I am guilty for not spending more time with mom. I was extremely tired on Friday and Saturday to the point I dozed off while talking to her on the couch. Sunday was good though, but my aunt took a huge chunk of quality time away from me while I had my hair cut and colored in another aunt's salon.

Talking about my hair.. It's been 6 months since I had it trimmed. Needless to say the style and length gone out of play and I took more time to create the best look than ironing my shirts. Therefore, I took the plunge by asking my aunt to snip away my dull hair. Adding an inch of courage I asked for coloring. Cousin pointed to a poster on the wall - the model has lustrious long hair, colored with mahogany and strips of light brown. I was honestly awed by his good choice and went for it. But when the towel lifted off all I could see was a lion's head.


I contained myself to a perfect score and everyone bought it.. till I reached home and whined to my mom. She maintained that it's unique and fresh. FRESH?! I look like a lalamui! I'm like a flashing beacon for goodness sake! Though the cut is satisfactory but coloring casts me in a total different image. Oh gosh.


It was the communication. On one hand I insisted on the exact color combination by pointing at the poster, the other hand my cousin told his mom that I wanted brown. Yellow and brown are two different colors!

On the phone I informed Cliff that I made my trip to Susan's Salon. He made a tiny "ah" sound and that was all. Afraid to divulge further I gave him a false impression that all went well, even encouraged him to try it next time since I only paid RM100. Wait till he sees me on Thursday.. weekend would be spending time at home cos he wouldn't want to be seen together with a self-declared blonde. Haha.

Goodbye Ms Coolhead. Sigh.


knitties said...

I don't think it's as bad as you feel... in fact, it does look "unique and fresh"... muhahaha... No la, it's a nice colour but a tad bit erm... bright under the sun!

Anonymous said...


Finally... i am no longer the mane! Bad karma is right... laugh at me in the past la. nows your turn.. muahah

Ai ya.. u had a few bad cuts now and then last time wat. after awhile, it will be fine. you are most probably not used to it yet. Besides, from ur present profile photo, still looks quite nice wat.

Unlike my last haircut... cut till like chao ah beng like that. finge is 4inches long.. but top, sides and back is 2 inches only.... try imagine THAT!